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B.B. King's Daughter's believe he was murdered


A week after the autopsy reports were released for Blues legend B.B. King, his daughters Patty King and Karen Williams believe that their father's death was not an accident. An autopsy was performed and there was nothing that raised a red flag during the process. However, the legend's daughters are declaring that the American Hall of fame blues singer was poisioned to death by his closest associates, King's business manager Laverne Toney and personal assistant Myron Johnson.

King and Williams state the associates are medically unlicensed but were seen giving "unknown" medications and substances to the musician, that were then locked away. At the time of his passing on May 14th, there was not a full investigation of his death, due to the fact that his physician listed his cause of death as multri-infarct demantia. Patty King and another daughter, Rita Washington vowed to keep fighting. William's stated, "We lost the battle, but we haven't lost the war." Now the family has launched a new murder investigation, it will take 6-8 weeks.

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